You’ve had your Book of Shadows for quite a while and still haven’t gotten around to writing in it.
Maybe you find it intimidating and maybe you’re just at a loss of what to write. You might still be thinking about the perfect Book of Shadows layout.
It is very understandable…but know that there is no perfect Book of Shadows layout.
It is very personal and therefore will contain things that make up the witch that you are.
There is one type of item that predates the existence fidget spinners - it’s called the worry stone.
If you’ve heard of the term “worry stones,” also called as fidget stones, soothing stones, sensory stones, or thumb stones, I am sure you’ve wondered how they work.
Since Wicca is derived from ancient European agrarian societies, the Sabbats are closely tied to the seasons and the calendar.
Sabbats have been followed for many thousands of years by ancient cultures such as Nordics, Celtics, Greeks, Egyptians.
The word “witch” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “Wicca,” which comes from the word “wicce,” meaning “wise.”
The origin of the word dates back to thousands of years when people widely worshiped Mother Earth or Nature as goddesses.