March Full Moon: The Worm Moon

March Full Moon: The Worm Moon


The time of the full moon in March occurs just in time for Spring, which is why magick around this time is centered on new beginnings and growth and change.

The full moon for the month of March goes by the names:

  • Storm Moon
  • Worm moon

    It's the time of the Worm moon and if you look around, you will see the Earth is slowly coming alive.

    It’s called the Worm moon for the worms start to burrow from the ground, as living things come sprouting from the ground after the colder months.

    As the Wheel of the Year turns once more, there will be heavy rains to assist in giving life to everything on Earth, which is why our ancestors also called this moon the Storm moon simply because they experienced a lot of storms during this time.

    The weather could be very unpredictable in the month of March.

    Worm Moon Magick

    The element to work with this month is water, for it is essential to a fertile and healthy growing season.

    The summer equinox also occurs around this time, which is why it is also a time of equal parts light and darkness. Magickal workings can focus on balance, prosperity, rebirth, fertility, and growth.

    You can celebrate by tending to your garden. Maybe it’s time to plant seeds so you can sow them in time.

    Not just the physical tending, you can start thinking of what you would like to grow in your life.

    Is there something you want to pursue like further studies or a new career?

    Think of what you would like now that you are given an opportunity to start anew. This is also a fertile season and a season of prosperity, and the forces are going to work with you to achieve what you want.

    If you want something to change in your life, then now is the time more than ever to start planning for those big changes - planting the seeds. Those plans are not going to take off without proper planning before you take the leap.

    If you want to want a promotion, better start mapping out how you could achieve that.

    If you want to be in a romantic relationship but your dates lead nowhere, think of what may be putting other people off.

    If you want more friends, start planning how you are going to put yourself out there and reach out to people.

    If you want further studies, start researching for student loan programs to find out how you can make the dream into a reality.

    The Worm Moon comes at an exciting time. There is so much possibility ahead and it would be a huge mistake to let the season pass without doing anything about it.

    March Full Moon: The Worm Moon

    Correspondences for this month are:

    Colors: Green, yellow, light purple
    Gemstones: Bloodstone, aquamarine
    Trees: Dogwood, honeysuckle
    Deities: Isis, the Morrighan, Artemis, Cybele
    Herbs: High John, pennyroyal, wood betony, apple blossom
    Element: Water

    3 Responses


    March 06, 2020

    As a solitary wiccan of only a year, I am so grateful when you share information. There are no shops anywhere near where I live so your articles are so welcome ! Blessed Be.

    Lisa Buckles
    Lisa Buckles

    March 06, 2020

    I hope to receive the free book! Thank you! From Sterling, Alaska!

    Elizabeth Nice
    Elizabeth Nice

    March 05, 2020

    I’m so glad you shared this information. I just returned from home buying and information. I found a home that is just what I was hoping for. A new year, a new month, full moon hopes to become realities and so much more.
    Thank you,

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