You Will Never Look At Wiccan Beach Towels The Same Way Again

You Will Never Look At Wiccan Beach Towels The Same Way Again

You think your Wiccan beach towel is just something to rest your ass in the sand?

Then you are sorely mistaken.

If you’ve ever tried bringing a bath towel to the beach, then you know how ill-fitting it is for such an environment.

Your beach towel can make the difference between a good day at the beach and a bad day at the beach.

Your bathroom towel is no beach towel

Your beach towel is a water-wicking blanket and is designed to provide you with the best possible poolside or beachside experience.

A bath towel measures around 42 to 58 X 24 to 30 inches, whereas a beach towel is larger and measures around 48 to 58 inches X 54 to 70 inches.

But your beach towel is not just an oversized version of your bathroom towel.

Your bath towel has two distinct sides, designed for two very different purposes. The other side has no business in the bathroom.

The side that'll look most familiar is the one made for drying. It comprises of loops that wick away water.  Now, that is not the side that you sit on. 

Vegvisir Beach Towel from the Moonlight Shop

Microfiber towel -- very light and quick-drying material

A microfiber velour beach towel is very light. This lightness is not only convenient to pack or carry around, but it also means it’s quick-drying.

Bathroom towels tend to be heavier and have more tightly packed loops and takes 24 hours to dry. Which is alright since you use it just once a day.

Beach towel loops are spread out enough that air can more easily get in and dry quickly.

A beach towel’s reverse’s purpose is to provide you with a comfortable place to lay on. It is on this soft side where you see the beautiful design of your choice. 

Beach Towels from The Moonlight Shop

Wiccan Beach Towel: Beauty Meets Functionality

I am sure you’ve seen beach towels of all stripes and designs. It’s really an opportunity to express yourself while at the beach.

Your beach towel says more about you than you think.

As a witch, what you want is the perfect balance between beauty, quality, and functionality.

With so many Wicca symbols to choose from, there is a big opportunity for expression and divining depending on your Wiccan beach towel.

The more unique the design is, the better. 

Wiccan Beach Towels with Protective Symbols

Take for example a Wiccan beach towel that features a Mother Goddess symbol like the Triple Moon. 

The Triple Moon symbol is highly protective. If safety is a concern (and it should be), then it will protect not only you but also whoever you’re with!

If you can get a Wiccan beach towel with the pentacle symbol as well, then that’s even better.

Casting spells while casually lounging on the beach…

This is made possible by Wiccan beach towels. Since you can cast spells anywhere, don’t stop while at the beach.

You no longer have to carry other Wiccan tools since your beach towel will do. It already brings with it an energy that is perfect for a magick-filled time at the beach.


Just think, the sun is out, the air is fresh, you’re on the sand, and there’s water everywhere... the elements are well represented at the beach…

...which will strengthen your spells since the forces are present and working together. 

I mean… it’s crazy not to grab the opportunity to perform magick with such a perfect environment and condition, right? :) 

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