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Wiccan Fertility Ritual To Conceive a Child

Wiccan Fertility Ritual To Conceive a Child


Fertility is a very important thing. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to create life in the same way the Mother Goddess and the Horned God created all living things and the Universe.

Here’s a ritual that will help increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is a three-part ritual that requires a bath and best done when you are in the most fertile part of your cycle.

What you need:

  • An apple

  • A banana

  • A chalice or cauldron to hold the fruits

  • Any of the fertility crystals (Rose quartz, fluorite, moonstone, aventurine)

  • Lavender essential oil

  • Geranium essential oil

  • Rose otto essential oil

  • Fennel seed oil

  • Nettle tea

What you need to do:


  1. Prepare your nettle tea.

  2. Spend 10 minutes relaxing and thinking of your intention.

Other gemstone bracelets available: Green Aventurine, Hematite, Purple Jade, and Amethyst

Ritual bath:

  1. Run your bath water.

  2. Pour 10 drops of each oil in the bath.

  3. Settle in and stay in the bath for 15 mins.

  4. Dry yourself and drain the bath water.

Garden ritual:

  1. Wash the apple and banana.

  2. Cut them up and mix them in a bowl.

  3. Take your bowl of fruit and your agate crystal and go outside, preferably where there are trees.

  4. Choose one you feel drawn to and cast a circle of protection by that tree.  

  5. Address the Goddess and God and let them know that you are ready to conceive.  Here, you can talk to the Mother and Father and tell them how much you want to have a baby and how much you would care for your baby and how much love you would give to your family.

  6. Once you’re done, hold up your bowl of fruit and say:

Other chalices available: Silver Pentagram, Silver Triquetra, and Silver Triple Moon

“Gods and Goddesses of fertility and fruition,

Please accept this offering.

And in return,

Bless me with a child

All be well,

so mote it be.”

7. Leave the fruits by the root of the tree.

8. Hold your crystal in your hand and charge it with your intention. Imagine what it would feel like to have your child growing inside of you. Visualize your child already being born. How does your child look like?  Imagine talking to your child.

9. When you’re done, thank the Goddess and God for their presence and assistance.

10. Keep the agate with you at all times, and your child will come to you are both ready.


    Perform this ritual as often as you can. Notice that the key feeling here is for you to relax. Let it take the time it takes. The sooner you relax and stop trying too hard, the sooner you will see results. Make a life of love with your partner, and the Mother Goddess and God will bless you.

    3 Responses

    Chioma nnamdi
    Chioma nnamdi

    March 15, 2021

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    February 23, 2020

    Will this ritual work if the problem is with the man or is there another ritual for a man that has issue with the reproductive system.

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