Magic is not always serious or solemn.

It is a joyous celebration and merging with the life-force.

— Scott Cunningham, Wiccan Author


Almost 10 years ago, a magickal idea was born in the heart of a witch. 

It was a simple goal to give Wiccans and Pagans around the world a way to express themselves by wearing their magick — and ultimately helping them tread their spiritual path happily. 

This humble idea became real, and with the help of friends, The Moonlight Shop came to be.

We started small, with only a few products in store. But that didn't matter so much. 

What mattered was the trust that we formed with the Wiccans and Pagans that eventually became our friends.

It didn't take long before we recognized the need for a space where witches can truly be themselves.... 

...The Moonlight Family was formed to bring together thousands of people eager to take their spiritual practice to another level. 

And that's where you come in!

Because you're part of the family — and as practicing witches ourselves — we consider it a personal responsibility to help you flourish in your practice...

...Whether it's providing you with high quality supplies or giving wit and wisdom in our blog or on The Moonlight Post, we're always striving to give you our best!

From the way we handle your orders to how we communicate in our emails and social channels, we make sure that you have a magickal experience with us. 

Just imagine yourself as a plant, like a tiny seedling or a fully grown flower. The Gods and Goddesses planted you here on Earth to bloom and spread good around you. Our tiny part is to water you with all the bright blessings that we can give! 

After all, being a witch comes down to living a joyful life and leaving the Earth a little better than when you entered it. 

So yes, while magick is a sacred affair, it is also a way to celebrate the changing of the seasons with family, friends, and all the other witches you meet along the way!

Being part of your journey, and knowing that you trust us, makes our time here not only worthwhile, but truly, truly unforgettable.

Merry Meet!

13 Responses

Lisa marotta
Lisa marotta

January 03, 2023

Thank you for accepting me into your family I always felt lost and now I found out this is where I feel more at home, having anxiety is truly hard and once I get my black onyx necklace that will help me tremendously.


November 13, 2022

I love all the things I have ordered from you, and always browse your site to see what’s new and your great specials. The Moonlight Post is wonderful , as are all of you. Blessed be.

Jewels Biggs
Jewels Biggs

November 13, 2022

I’m 62 and I’ve only started exploring this path about 2-1/2 years ago. I have always been drawn to this, but now that I’m here, I feel I’m home!

Leslie Anderson
Leslie Anderson

March 11, 2022

Your store is absolutely amazing and I’d like buy everything in the store, for me it comes down to finances right now. I’m not saying that your store is over priced or anything because I do not believe that at all. It’s hard times all around for everyone and some more than others. So yes, I will be buying more things from your store, it’s just a matter of time and money!!
Thank you for sharing and caring!!
Blessed Be

Rex Seay
Rex Seay

October 20, 2021

A great group. I’m glad to be involved. Melissa is kool

Red Collins
Red Collins

July 19, 2021

I’m just going through a rough patch right now I love your store and have never been disappointed by anything I have purchased and your customer service is awesome

Irene cameron
Irene cameron

December 09, 2020

Winning is waking up everyday to study my spells and to meet all the witches I possibly can

Lee Bissell
Lee Bissell

December 02, 2020

Thank you all for letting me be a part of this family

Barry Amonett
Barry Amonett

October 22, 2020

Nice to meet all of you hope to get to know more of you merry meet .. blessed be..

April Thomas
April Thomas

September 05, 2020

Thank you for the reminder of being part of the family!!!🥰

Stephanie hale
Stephanie hale

April 21, 2020

I hope I win cuz wichery goes way way way back in my family tree so it’s a part of my blood and me and I would love to win one of these sacred magical misks

Debra Rodgers
Debra Rodgers

April 21, 2020

I am so excited to be part of the moonlightshop !!

Nancy Fails
Nancy Fails

March 19, 2020

I’m so excited to be learning more things now, I’m short on money right now but in a few weeks I will have some to order from here I can’t wait. Thank you.

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