The Main Foundations Of Wicca

The Main Foundations Of Wicca


(by: Tina, Magickal Spot)

Ancient stories, books, films and history have accustomed us for years to the concept of witchcraft and to the figures of witches or sorcerers. If in antiquity these were venerated and respected as sages, or as messengers of superior entities, starting from the sixteenth century they came to stigmatize them until they reached a real attempt to purge (a method among all was the inquisition). Despite the will to suppress "heretical" creeds, one of the many has arrived unharmed and strong to us: Wicca.

Wicca is a religion aimed at the communion of the practitioner with the Divine and with Nature

It has its roots in ancient times, handed down orally by the first Celtic tribes and then consolidated as a true religion, starting from the dawn of the Middle Ages and mainly spread in Northern Europe. Unlike other religions, Wicca provides a combination of spirituality and relationship with life. His intent is to guide the human being to move his steps on the path of everyday life through the relationship with the Divine and, at the same time, to help him develop an ever more vibrant spirituality.

Contrary to many other religions, Wicca does not include particular dogmas or rigid behavioral codes. What matters are the perceptions that the individual develops towards nature, invisible energies to the eye and the relationship between him and the Divine in the first person, without intermediaries.

"As long as it doesn't harm anyone, do what you want"

This is the only rule that Wicca imposes.

These are, instead, some foundations:

  • The practitioner can be solitary, therefore any witch or sorcerer (as the adepts are called) who, in a completely autonomous manner, manages his rituals, or he can meet, if he identifies and desires, in a Coven, or a circle of people who together celebrate Wicca practices.
  • Because of the wide disinformation on the subject, and the bad reputation handed down for centuries, many believe that Wicca has to do with satanic cults or with seven deviants. Speaking with a real Wiccan, it will be possible to see that this is not correct, since Wicca does not consider and does not foresee the existence of a malevolent god such as Satan and does not tolerate magic as a means of hurting others.
  • Wicca is not, as we have previously seen, a monotheistic religion, but a pagan one. So let's get to know the main deities. The "Goddess" and the "God" are the figures considered a source of energy and wisdom. There is no "official" representation of them. Each practitioner can imagine how they look, based on their own feelings and by choosing what best suits them, during rituals or spells.
  • For a concept of familiarity, it is possible to imagine them as the gods of antiquity: Diana, Pan, Isis, Hermes, Thot, Ishtar, Marduk, Athena and so on. There is no prevailing figure, Goddess and God are on the same level. Their influences are different. The Goddess is linked to the Moon and feminine energy, while the God is linked to the Sun and masculine energy. Depending on the type of magic or ritual practiced, it is possible to invoke one or the other.
  • The material that a witch or sorcerer must have with her during a ritual is varied, but at her complete discretion. As already mentioned, Wicca does not provide absolute rules, but leaves ample freedom of choice. The first element of all is visualization. The power to imagine and visualize the energies produced by one's gestures and words is fundamental for the effectiveness of a spell, or simply an intention. Without it, a practitioner is unarmed. Speaking in material terms, the main instrument is the altar. This can be wood, stone, or a piece of cloth. Any support is sacred to the practitioner.

The following tools should be placed around and on it:

  • A broom: the phantom broom depicted in many illustrations on witches, is actually a useful tool for rituals. You do not fly astride it, but it is used to "wipe out" the negative energies before a ritual, moving it around the altar and displaying the negativity to dissolve. It is usually made with small bristles made of pine needles or thin branches tied together.
  • The stick: another element of the collective imagination and another fundamental tool for a practitioner. Made of wood and on which can be placed crystals or dried berries, the stick is used to infuse, through the hands, the energy and the magic that you decide to use. It is an invocation tool; with it the Goddess or God assist the practitioner during his rites.
  • The censer: a container, often made of brass or resin, used to contain the grains of incense, or the leaves of spices and dried plants, which are burned to infuse into the environment smells that can stimulate the senses and can clean up the energies around the practitioner.
  • The cauldron: yet another element of folklore, it is used to create mixtures of herbs and flowers, or to cook infusions drunk during rituals. This can be small, placed over a small electric stove, or large, if the ritual is done in a kitchen or near a fireplace.
  • The Athame: it is an ancient instrument. The Athame is a knife not used for cutting, but to direct energy during rituals or spells. It is almost never sharp, has a double blade and a black handle. Black is a color suitable for absorbing energy.

What about wiccan rituals?

  • All rituals and a few sex spells are performed within a magic circle, traced with the practitioner's visualization, around the altar. It is not necessary to be part of a Coven to perform the rituals. For Wicca, every place is sacred, if the Goddess or God is invoked. It will therefore be possible to practice spells and magic either comfortably seated at home, or on the shore of a beach, on a forest path, in the desert dunes or on the top of a snowy mountain.
  • It is also possible to select a pre-established location based on seasonal celebrations that Wicca celebrates, namely: Yule (December 21), Imbloc (February 2), Ostara (March 21), Beltane (April 30), Litha (June 21), Lughnasadh (August 1), Mabon (September 21) and Samhain (October 31).
  • The profound animism, or the belief that all nature is pervaded by spirits and energies that interact with the human being, which pervades this religion, makes it accessible to anyone and in any place we can find ourselves. Nothing to do with dark bare forests and old dusty houses, Wicca invites us to enjoy life, to be part of it and to seize the invisible earthly energy and make it our own.

These are the main foundations of Wicca. If you want to dive into the Wicca realm you can read some good book to learn more and master your art!

3 Responses

Linda Verguizas
Linda Verguizas

March 30, 2020

I’m in love with all things alive the living..things to touch and everything to see..beatiful..strange….just everything positive all around …I love ..❤❤❤❤ and my cat 😻

Ace Carder
Ace Carder

March 21, 2020

I love some of your pieces and can’t wait to receive mine lol

Jack Pfau
Jack Pfau

March 18, 2020

Blessed Be.

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