How to Use the Wheel of the Year

How to Use the Wheel of the Year

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The Wheel of the Year is what Wiccans would call their calendar. 

It is a round image divided into 8 panels. Each panel represents each of the 8 Sabbats. On the center of the circle is a symbol, such as a pentacle, triquetra, or the Triple Goddess symbol.

Wiccans first began using the Wheel of the Year in the 1950s and 1960s, but the Celts have been celebrating the Sabbats -  the ones we know today - for thousands of years.

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The Wiccan Sabbats Necklace

It's not only Wiccans that use the Wheel of the Year, though. Pagans, neo-pagans, and those who are exploring ritual or spellwork also use it. Anyone who is sincerely learning about the Wheel of the Year is welcome to use it!

Learning about the Wheel of the Year is important if you are serious about your spiritual journey. When you observe the Sabbats, not only will you be an expert at correspondences. You will also be more connected to nature in a sublime and deeply meaningful way. 

But how do you go about celebrating the Sabbats? 

First of all, you have to become familiar with the Wheel of the Year. You have to cover the basics - the names of the Sabbats and the dates.

The best way to familiarize yourself with the Wheel of the Year is to have an image of it nearby. You could print it out or wear it!

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The Wheel of the Year Shirt

Next, you have to know the meaning and significance of each Sabbat. What is the history of Ostara? What does Litha symbolize? Why do you need to celebrate Samhain?

For a quick overview of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats, see this blog post.

When you know the whats and whys of the Sabbats, then it's easy to know the hows. As in, how to observe them.

Once you discover the meanings of the Sabbats, then it's time to learn about correspondences. To put it simply, correspondences are the elements that you associate with a certain Sabbat. They can be deities, colors, decorations, foods, herbs, stones, among others. You can use these correspondences or associations in your rituals and spellwork.

The last thing you need to know about the Wheel of the Year is its implicit symbolism. While each Sabbat has a spiritual significance, the Wheel as a whole teaches us a very valuable lesson on moving forward. Just like how the Sun God dies and is reborn every cycle, so are our lives continually progressing. You are always growing, transforming, and becoming a better person.

However you want to celebrate the Sabbats mainly depends on you. What's important is that you celebrate each one with sincerity, earnestness, and hope for blessed days ahead!

1 Response

Erika King
Erika King

November 16, 2020

I love my virtue to a witch necklace. I wear it proud as continue with my spiritual journey.

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