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How To Use A Crystal Ball

How To Use A Crystal Ball


Crystal ball gazing is best done on the night of a full moon. A crystal ball that measures 2-5 inches in diameter is best to use. Place your crystal ball on a stand with a velvet cloth underneath. Make sure nothing is reflected in your crystal ball.

What to do:


Go inside a darkened and quiet room.

Light two candles so you can see. They also help reflecting images in the crystal ball.


Burn patchouli incense to get you in the mood. You can even play soothing music if that will help.

Center yourself by gazing into the ball, being careful not to stare.

Breathe deeply. Inhale and exhale. Do this for 15 minutes.


When performing any form of scrying or divination you are summoning the forces from the spiritual realm. These forces are normally closed off from the plane we live in unless disturbed. And crystal ball gazing and scrying actually disturbs them. Whenever you perform divination, these forces can either help you, attack you, or drain you. They can use your crystal ball to step through into this world. This is why it is always best to perform a cleansing ritual and a protection ritual beforehand.

Crystal ball work

  1. Place the crystal ball on a stand in front of you.
  2. Sit down and relax.
  3. Lay your hands gently on the ball for 2 minutes to infuse it with your energy.
  4. Reflect on the purpose of this scrying session: visualize your question or say it out loud.
  5. Take your hands off the crystal.
  6. Look deeply into the crystal. Allow your eyes to relax and become unfocused.
  7. When you see smoke forming in the crystal, allow it to occupy the whole ball till you see an image forming.
  8. If you’re new to crystal ball gazing, the images might not make sense to you at first because your mind is still not able to grasp what the images mean, you may not see images at all, or it may not even be related to what you want. But the more you work with a crystal ball, the better you will get at it.

But here are some of the meanings behind certain types of smoke that form:

Blue clouds: success in career or business
Gold clouds: prosperity, steady cash flow, and renewed romance to come
Gray/Dark gray: misfortune
Black clouds: bad stuff coming your way
Green clouds: health and happiness of the heart
Orange clouds: hidden aggression and anger; troubled emotions
Red clouds: approaching danger; caution
Silver clouds: troublesome times ahead; followed by goodness
White clouds: good fortune to come
Yellow clouds: obstacles
9. To close the crystal gazing session, gradually allow the images to slowly fade back into the crystal until it goes back to its original state.
10. Thank your crystal ball and smudge or perform a cleansing spell on it before you put it back in storage. A crystal ball is best stored by wrapping a velvet cloth around it to keep the energies contained.
Remember, crystal gazing is your unconscious and conscious mind acting together. The energy will stem from your subconscious and the more you work with a crystal ball, the better you will get at being able to see exactly what it is you want to see by manipulating your subconscious energies to your conscious energies, and then to the crystal ball. So just let the images flow and change and take you wherever. Don't try to rationalise right away. You will have more of that later on in your practice.

18 Responses


October 10, 2022

I have had my beautiful ball for a while now and it just so happened to go with me one night. I had just left a place and when I sat down in my car I had this Ball in my hand. The person that handed it to me was clueless. From the moment the the ball seen me it began talking to me. My ball is very loud never seems to shut up. Hahahaha I am so serious. Now that I know how to display and contain it well i already was wrapping it until i put the ball in my bedroom.

Michele watson
Michele watson

June 12, 2022

I had a crystal ball loaned to me I am a medium this was very colourful Madagascar I was spell bound by it I saw fish swimming in rocks it was opened when I received it from a Irish man every night I saw a leprechaun dancing around my bed at night Third night it felt it threw me up to the ceiling I knew it meant a warning I ran my daughter told her next day she hit her dad on the concrete was in hosptial three days she is okay it gave me awarning

Michele watson
Michele watson

June 12, 2022

I had a crystal ball loaned to me I am a medium this was very colourful Madagascar I was spell bound by it I saw fish swimming in rocks it was opened when I received it from a Irish man every night I saw a leprechaun dancing around my bed at night Third night it felt it threw me up to the ceiling I knew it meant a warning I ran my daughter told her next day she hit her dad on the concrete was in hosptial three days she is okay it gave me awarning


September 07, 2021

Thank you


September 07, 2021

I just bought a crystal ball for my daughter , so she is even more excited to have it after reading this informative piece of magical wisdom .

Rachal L
Rachal L

July 19, 2021

This is awesome information to have. It’s funny that I came across this just now and I just got my crystal ball in the mail. What a coincidence!


August 05, 2020

Please can you help me use the crystal ball

 Vicky Dee
Vicky Dee

April 15, 2020

I’ve just received my crystal ball I’ve been getting lots of rituals done at this amazing local place who is a metaphysical healer. She said I’d work really well with a ball so I had to get on. Excited to see how it goes


March 21, 2020

I was attacked by a psychic. I lost 10 years of my life because she was jealous. I advise if your a highly jealous person do not touch one. It cost me to much. So please don’t do it. A good man got ruined because of it and I know I’m not the only one.


March 16, 2020

I’ve been looking into working with a crystal ball for some time now, I just need a protection ritual so I can continue to practice my craft! Spirits are wise, yet unpredictable all the same


February 18, 2020

Within the past 2 to 3 years I’ve become a Reiki Master. My interest in magical things have heightened. I’m trusting that I am on the right path and am excited about working with my crystal ball.


December 07, 2019

Email correction


December 03, 2019

Waiting to put it into practise..

Yakaira Martinez
Yakaira Martinez

November 22, 2019

Thank you for the wisdom❤️

Lana Pruitt
Lana Pruitt

November 20, 2019

I am a awakened spiritual person I’m empathic and I’m searching for tools that’s my sign is most powerful with using I am water


November 10, 2019

can’t wait to put this to use very very soon!


November 07, 2019

Hopefully attract some wisdom

Leota H.
Leota H.

October 30, 2019

I wonder what you can all do with a crystal ball…

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