Let’s start with a quote from Stephen King:
“When I'm reading, I will not stop on page 94, page 193, page 382 at all. The digits of these numbers add up to 13.”
When doing research for this article, I found the above quote and a lot of other interesting stuff as well…
For example, did you know that for most Wiccans, 13 is actually a very powerful number and has a lot to do with fertility and the Goddess?
And have you ever thought about why Friday is considered an unlucky day for so many people but not for Wiccans and Pagans?
I’ll tell you more about that in a moment, but first, let’s take a look at why so many people fear Friday the 13th.
(The last supper)
The first record of 13 being an unlucky number appeared in the late 1600s. It was considered unlucky to sit 13 people at a table and people actually believed that the 13th person would cause someone to die within a year.
It seems that this stems from an old norse myth about the Ase gods:
12 gods were having a dinner party at Valhalla. Then Loki arrived as an uninvited guest and guest no. 13. At that dinner party, Loki arranged for Hoder (the blind god of darkness) to shoot Balder (the beautiful god of joy).
Odin loved Balder very much, so he had made sure that all living and dead things made a promise not to hurt Balder. But he had forgot the mistletoe. So, Loki dipped one of Hoder’s arrows in mistletoe and convinced him to shoot it at Balder.
Balder died and the earth turned dark. From then on 13 was considered an unlucky number.
In the Bible, we have a very similar setup with the last supper. 13 people at the table and one of them died very soon thereafter.
(This hotel don't have a 13th floor!)
It’s not all in the number. What makes this day so special is the fact that it’s both Friday and the 13th. So what’s so special about Friday?
In the US, Friday is the 6th day of the week. The number 6 is often ascociated with the devil (666).
Since the 14th century, Friday has been considered an unlucky day. Here’s just some of the bad stuff that has happened on a Friday:
As you can see, for some reason, the Bible and Christianity really has a problem with Fridays.
Let’s look more into this and see what we find…
For Wiccans, Friday the 13 is not an unlucky day at all. Quite the opposite.
For ancient Pagans, Friday was a day where you could receive blessings and gifts from the gods. This makes it a very spiritual and lucky day.
In some ancient Pagan religions, 13 was considered to be the last stage of life. The first 12 were in this life, here on earth and the 13th and final one, symbolized the afterlife.
Again, not a bad thing as most Pagans see this as a natural part of life and not something that should be feared.
The name Friday itself comes from Freya, the goddess of love and fertility. Freya had two black cats. A gift from Thor, the god of Thunder.
Author Charles Panati has this to say about Freya and Friday the 13th:
(Freya with her cats)
As you can see, this is connected to Witches and Wiccans.
When Christianity started to convert Pagans, they would do everything they could to make the old gods really bad. I am not really sure why, but for some reason, Freya got it really bad.
A LOT of bad stuff happens on Fridays and Black Cats has also been connected with bad stuff happening.
The number 13th is a bit different though. It doesn’t seems like it’s only the Bible's fault that it got such a bad reputation, but I am sure it has a lot to do with it.
Again, the number 13 is closely connected to the female energies of the universe (13 menstrual cycles) and if there were one thing Christianity didn’t like, it was Goddesses and strong women (did someone say witchcraft trials?).
For most Wiccans and Pagans, Friday the 13th is not a bad day. Not at all. In fact, most consider it to be a lucky day and a good day to do spells for luck.
Now,this is just my findings and I will encourage you to judge for yourself and to make your own conclusions…
…and when you do, please leave a comment below and tell me about it :)
April 20, 2022
We are planning on getting married on Friday the thirteenth because I am from Sweden and I love Freya.
March 12, 2020
I’ve also heard that the rounding up & execution shortly after of the Knights Templer happened on a Friday the 13th.
March 12, 2020
Freya or Frigga? They are not one and the same. You just lost your credibility with me there.
March 10, 2020
What is your source on Cain killing Abel on a Friday and the 13th (since Hebrew calendars are not the same as the Julian calendar… nor did the Julian Calendar exist at that time)
December 13, 2019
The charm you posted…the moon and three stars? Do you think the moon and 13 stars would make more sense? The Judeo God used to have a female counterpart until the Babylonian captivity when fertility and collaboration became an issue. When the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity the former goddess was taken out in effigy and burned once a year as a reminder.
December 13, 2019
The charm you posted…the moon and three stars? Do you think the moon and 13 stars would make more sense? The Judeo God used to help a female counterpart until the Babylonian captivity when fertility and collaboration became an issue. When the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity the former goddess was taken out in effigy and burned once a year as a reminder.
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April 19, 2023
To answer Aisling’s claim: https://sites.psu.edu/miamidolphins/2017/02/23/freya-and-frigg/