It's important to bless your new Wiccan jewelry, because you never know where it has been or what kind of energies it has been exposed too.
Even if you receive brand new, plenty of people have already handled it and transferred energy to it.
The people who made, could have had a bad day while making it, the one who packaged your order maybe had a huge fight with his or her significant other and even the delivery guy will in some sense transfer energies to your brand new piece of jewelry.
When you bless and cleanse a new Pentacle Necklace (for example), you "reset" it, so that it doesn't contain negative or harmful energies.
It's a good idea to do this every time you get a new macgikal item. An item you intend to use in your spiritual practice.
Some people go a little overboard and bless EVERYTHING that enters their house. I wouldn't say that's a necessity, but then again, some people are more sensitive to energies than others :)
There are many ways to bless and cleanse, but this is a very effective and easy way to Cleanse, Bless and Claim your new Wiccan or Pagan Jewelry!
The first step is to put your new necklace or amulet under running water (or you could use a bowl of water if you prefer). Cup it in both your hands while holding it under water.
Water will help the negative emotions "flow" out of the pendant.
While submerged in water, say a cleansing prayer or simply close your eyes and ask your gods to purify, cleanse and bless your new necklace. Hold it like this for a minute or so. If you feel that there is a lot of negative energy stored in the item, hold for a little longer.
When finished, pat it dry with a paper towel or something similar.
The next and final step is to charge your new magickal amulet. A good way to do so, is to wear it on your skin for the next 7-9 days.
Only take it of when showering (if you need to).
This will bind the item to you. It will go through the same emotions, experiences and feelings as you do. Don't let anyone deliberately touch it. If someone accidentally touch it, it's usually okay. But if someone takes it from you or in another way charge it with negative energy, it's usually best to start over.
After 7-9 days, your item is charged with your energy and belongs to you!
Note: If you buy a new Wiccan or pagan necklace from a place like The Moonlight Shop or similar, you won't need to hold it underwater for a long time. New items from a Wiccan Supplies Shop usually doesn't have a lot of negative energy stored in them. But you should still wear it for 7-9 days to "claim it".
How do you bless, cleanse and claim your jewelry? Let us know on the comments below.
April 20, 2022
Any suggestions on a gold necklace with pendant.
January 15, 2022
I smudge mine with sage, place it in the sunlight and then I hold it in my dominant had. I say a prayer while holding it and I try to banish any negative thoughts. Once I put it on, it doesn’t come off.
December 20, 2021
I am new.I would like to know ( at the risk of sounding redundant) moon water..would I just place an object outside under the moon w tap water in it or would it b better to collect rain water and leave it out for the moon..?
October 27, 2021
I haven’t received my medallion yet, but I have a question about a pendant I already have it’s a Beautiful gemstone. I’m wondering if I should have blessed it? I never did, should I now? I’m new to this and the Wiccan way, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. My kids and I (& the ex hubby 🤬) were at a bluegrass festival. My oldest 2 sons asked a woman, who was there selling stone and gemstone pendants (necklace was optional) if they could look at all of her pendants. They explained that they wished to organize them for her while looking at them, and they did an awesome job of organizing them! They did such a fantastic job that she gave both my boys a tigerseye pendant with the necklace! I was so proud of them! She then told me that she felt I should have one myself and to pick whichever one I want, it only took me a few seconds to find the one that was calling to me. I have never felt anything negative from it, only positive. But still I feel like I should ask. I really wish I could show y’all a picture of it. My niece is a geologist and says it’s 2 types of stones, one is kinda rare and the other is really rare and that it’s almost impossible to find them together like they are Especially naturally! Please let me know if you think I should cleanse & bless it or if I’m good as is. Thank you.
April 02, 2021
I bury mine for a full moon cycle. Pass it through air (hang it from a tree, until the next full moon) This is to incorporate the air, and healing power of the tree. Pass it through flames, lastly rain water to purify.
April 02, 2021
I bury mine for a full moon cycle. Pass it through air (hang it from a tree, until the next full moon) This is to incorporate the air, and healing power of the tree. Pass it through flames, lastly rain water to purify.
April 02, 2021
I purchased Solomons Hexagram Talisman from a place in France. I paid extra to have it consecrated with High White Magic, but when I wear it, I become short tempered, irritable and sometimes angry. I don’t understand what is going on?
March 15, 2021
I use running tap water and ask my protector ( Dragonian ) to bless my amulet, use dragonblood sage, cedar, and sandalwood to smudge the amulet and wear it for at least 9 days to bond it to me, I am impatiently waiting my dragon necklace, I know it will help me immensely
January 15, 2021
Thank you for the advice. I hadn’t thought of the negative energy of shipping. I will cleans and ask for blessings and protective from the gods and goddesses so more be.
December 30, 2020
waiting on my new pentacle necklace can’t wait to receive it. Thanks much
November 27, 2020
Thank you! I just got my pendent out of the mail box. I’m going right now to cleanse it and wear it. Thanks again.
November 16, 2020
You all are awesome I’m just awakening to and are drawn to this love all the information thank you and blessings ❤️❤️❤️
November 16, 2020
I ordered this recently I’m looking forward to getting this beautiful necklace.
September 18, 2020
This a beautiful necklace. I felt drawn to it. I have cleansed it and claimed it. It feels like it belongs on my neck. I am new to Wiccan and am drawn to this as well. Thank you!
September 06, 2020
I bought the item I just it was neat to hear the story about the tree. I love it looks good.
August 21, 2020
Just received my new necklace from you. It is simply amazing. I really love it. Thank you so much for the details to Cleanse jewelry. Much appreciated. This was my first good piece of witchy jewelry. Love it. Thanks again
August 14, 2020
So is it okay to let someone touch it once you’ve already worn it for the 7-9 days and claimed it as your own?
August 11, 2020
Just got my necklace today.New too this.
August 10, 2020
I am so excited to get my pentacle necklace and can’t wait for it to become a part of me!! I am a “baby” witch and would really appreciate some guidance and helpful suggestions to guide me on this journey!!!
August 09, 2020
this was a great help, thanks
July 28, 2020
I received a new necklace today and did the water cleanse..I am new to Wicca and was unsure if who to pray to regarding Gods and Goddesses so I just asked all the Gods and Goddesses to guide me…I’m excited to be enlightened again and for this necklace to become one with me..I have a lot of negativity around me.
July 23, 2020
I’ve done this to all of my jewlry tysm :D
July 21, 2020
I was wondering if you use tap water or if it would be better to use moonwater? as you can tell, im quite new haha
July 16, 2020
If I charged my pentacle and it was truly working. If someone comes to me in a dream and I cant move and grabs my pentacle and are mad how do I recharge it. This person came through my wall over my bed. In the dream I was awake but couldnt move or speak. Can you give me some advice. Hope to hear from you
July 09, 2020
Thank you for this information. I have many negatives around me while being alone, in person, on my new path. Thank you. BRIGHTEST BLESSINGS
July 08, 2020
Thank you so much for the information on how to cleanse your items when 8 recieved them. I blessed my very first Pentacle when I got it it really worked protecting me but lets just say in a dream someone came a grabbed it and said so this is what you been using. Thanks was sharing an experience I had BlessednBe
July 02, 2020
Just got my necklace looking forward in wearing it daily.
June 09, 2020
I just got my first pentacle and did the cleanse I love it. I can’t wait to become one with it and grow with it.
June 09, 2020
I have not received my Pentacle necklace yet but it should be here in a few day. I plan on cleansing it under running water and depending on how it feels after that I may use some sage smoke. Before I put it on I am going to spray some of the moon water I collected the other night on it. It may all be in my head but I feel when I spray the water on me, I feel energized. I want to put that energy in my Pentacle.
June 09, 2020
I have so many pendants and can’t wait for my new one to arrive. I will use water and moon to cleanse it. Thank you 🙏
June 05, 2020
I have been wanting to become a practicing witch for years. I have done a lot of research and I am going to begin by assembling my altar in the near future. I will be ordering items to complete my altar in the near future. So glad I found your site! You are all awesome and have been very helpful in my journey.
Thank you so much!
May 15, 2020
I cleanse/charge and bless in a few different ways depending on items and circumstances, but my preferred is usually smoke, a mix of sage and palo santo. And always charge in moonlight for a couple cosecutive nights and after that rarely if ever do i remove my pentacle. Loving my new pentacle of the black onyx I received a couple days ago! So thrilled, have been wanting/needing one for over a year!
May 11, 2020
Can you wear all three pendants to claim them or just one at a time usually thank you the pendants are amazing
May 09, 2020
I just got my Tree of Life pendant today. I put it under running water said a prayer to the Gods and Goddesses to cleans and blessed the pendant. And now I’m wearing it to claim it has my own.
April 23, 2020
Have bought many charms and necklaces from the Moonlight shop love all my items so far never any problem with negative energy even before I cleanse and I also do a full moon blessing with my goddess, ty♥️🙏
April 18, 2020
I can’t wait to order from this site! And I am a baby witch looking for advice. If you have any I would love the help🙂
April 17, 2020
Trying to consecrate my jewelry need help please send me help ,5507 nw 6place Sammie smitjh
April 07, 2020
When I bless a piece of jewellery I ask the God and Goddess to bless it and when the moon is Full I cleanse the item then as well. Lokking forward to getting my pendant and claiming it.
March 18, 2020
I got my new tree of life necklace today and I love it! I love everything I get from the Moonlight Shop
March 08, 2020
I also cleanse items under a full moon. Moon Goddess is a wonderful way to connect with your own items after you water cleanse too.
March 08, 2020
I also cleanse items under a full moon. Moon Goddess is a wonderful way to connect with your own items after you water cleanse too.
December 31, 2019
I love mine I’ve cleansed and blessed now I’ve claimed it as my own. Thank you. Peace and love
November 27, 2019
Wow. I’m going to do this in morning bright and early
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May 13, 2023
i bought a witches knot necklace from amazon I’ve been wearing it and felt OK but feel like i should do a cleanse on it what is your advice thank you in advance