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The Ultimate Guide to Runes

The Ultimate Guide to Runes


Runes are a Germanic alphabet that’s been around for centuries now. Each runic alphabet is a symbol, and that symbol holds a special meaning and power. It can be used to invoke deities and can also help you understand life and work through your problems.

You may use your own interpretations for the symbols, based on your studies and beliefs, or you may take the more traditional approach, which is going by the traditional meaning of each. Whichever way you may go about using the runes in your life, it is still best to at least have some idea of their meanings.


Algiz best translates into “courage"

The Algiz is good for you when you want to be more independent and fearless.

This is your rune if you want to be more independent and start living life on your own terms. Maybe you want to leave your parents’ house and start living on your own but are so afraid to do so. Maybe you are afraid to leave your husband for you might not make it without his assistance. The Algiz will give you the courage to be fearless in your decisions.

Click here to see all items with the Algiz Rune!


Ansuz best translates into "inspiration"

The Ansuz is good for you when you want more creativity, good reasoning, and good advice.

This is for the you if you want to ignite your creativity and spark your mind. If you have been feeling stagnant and stuck in your ideas, the Ansuz will help you uncover great ideas and attract only sound thoughts.

Click here to see all items with the Ansuz Rune!


Berkano best translates into “rebirth"

The Berkano is good for you when you want to continue growing into a person of wisdom.

This is the rune of new beginnings fresh starts. In life, we go through many rebirths, especially after things get really bad: Did your marriage just end? Did you lose a loved one? Did you lose a pet? There will be readjustments that you have to make. The Berkano rune is there to guide you as you make way for a new life.

Click here to see all items with the Berkano Rune!

Dagaz best translates into “awakening"

The Dagaz is good for you when you seek to be awakened from a lack of vision and hopelessness.

Take this rune if you need a big realization in your life that propels you to making big and bold changes in your life. Maybe your needs have been placed on the backburner because you’re so busy attending to other people’s needs. Maybe you’ve spent most of your life caring for your children and now that they are adults, you are feeling lost. The Dagaz will awaken you to your main purpose in this world. The Dagaz reminds you that darkness is not the absence of light, but is the quality of life.

Click here to see all items with the Dagaz Rune!

Ehwaz best translates into “trust"

The Ehwaz is good for you when you want to harness trust and cooperation with other people.

Choose this rune if you wanna learn how to trust other people. Not everyone is out to harm you or cheat you. Imagine going through life without ever trusting anyone? Being a suspicious and untrusting person is not going to make you happy. The Ehwaz rune enables you to trust people.

Click here to see all items with the Ehwaz Rune!


Eihwaz best translates into “endurance"

The Eihwaz is good for you when you want endurance when faced with something you fear.

This is for you if you are about to face your greatest fear. Maybe you are in the process of a lengthy divorce. Maybe you need to break up with someone who does not respect you or treat you well. Maybe you are on the receiving end of bullying and are about to break. The Eihwaz will help you endure the painful processes that you fear the most.

Click here to see all items with the Eihwaz Rune!

Fehu best translates into “wealth"

Fehu best translates into "wealth" in many forms like in material and even non-material possessions. As with all other runes, Fehu has many uses and meanings. However, primarily, it is a rune of wealth, financial strength, and prosperity.

It is also very good for foresight, luck, and charisma. If you find yourself in a situation where you want the odds to be in your favor, then this is the rune for you.

Click here to see all items with the Fehu Rune!


Gebo best translates into "generosity"

The Gebo is good for you when you want to be at peace and be harmonious with everyone.

This rune is for you if your heart and mind are so closed off and selfish that dealing with other people is something that you cannot be bothered with. No man is an island, and it is very important for your well-being to have people in your life that you have a harmonious relationship with.

Click here to see all items with the Gebo Rune!


Hagalaz best translates into “change"

The Hagalaz is good for you when you want to make big changes in your life.

This is for you who is so afraid of change and yet yearns for a big change. Change is unfamiliar and scary, but to take the leap will mean changing your present circumstances. This rune pushes you to do just that.

Click here to see all items with the Hagalaz  Rune!


Inguz best translates into “channeling energy"

The Inguz is good for you when you want exploration of your creativity and creative release.

This is your rune if you find yourself channeling away your creative energy into things that are not worthwhile. When you spend too much energy on things like jealousy and gossip, then that counts as a waste of energy and time. The Inguz rune will help you redirect your energy into more worthwhile pursuits.

Click here to see all items with the Inguz Rune!


Isa best translates into “concentration"

The Isa is good for you when you want a stronger will to focus and control your ego.

This is your rune if you need utmost focus and concentration. Maybe you have a big task at hand that you need to finish, maybe there is too much temptation out there to feed your ego that you lose sight of what needs to get done. The Isa will strengthen your will.

Click here to see all items with the Isa Rune!


Jera best translates into “patience in the right timing"

The Jera is good for you when you want to be more patient while you wait for things or people.

Choose this rune when you need to be more patient. Being impatient attracts negative energy and is another form of trying to control the time. The Jera will help you master patiently waiting.

Click here to see all items with the Jera Rune!


Kenaz best translates into "illumination"

The Kenaz is good for you when you want a clear head and improved skills.

Pick this rune if you want to declutter your mind and improve your skill set. The Kenaz rune will shine a light to help you sort through your thoughts and channel your energy to overthink into improving yourself.

Click here to see all items with the Kenaz Rune!


Laguz best translates into “mastery"

The Laguz  is good for you when you want mastery of your dreams, thoughts, and emotions.

This is your rune if you want to master your dreams, emotions, and your mind. Maybe you need help in divination and communicating with the Divine. Maybe you are having a hard time taking control of your emotions and they always get the best of you. The Laguz is there to help you master whatever it is that you practice.

Click here to see all items with the Laguz Rune!


Mannaz best translates into “realization"

The Mannaz  is good for you when you want to realize your full potential and reach it.

This is your rune if people are telling you that you’re wasting away your potential. Maybe you are not going after what you want, like your dream job that you would rather stay in your dead end job that you are comfortable in. The Mannaz will encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and realize what it is that you should be doing instead.

Click here to see all items with the Mannaz Rune!


Nauthiz best translates into “resistance"

The Nauthiz is good for you when you want better resistance and accept what you cannot change.

This rune is for you if you are someone who just needs to have control over everything. It is not possible to control everyone and every outcome; trying to do that will just end in frustration. The Nauthiz will make you make amends with that fact.

Click here to see all items with the Nauthiz Rune!


Othala best translates into “inheritance"

The Othala is good for you when you want the boldness to claim what is rightfully yours.

Take this rune if you have been forfeiting a personal right by letting others take advantage of you. Maybe your siblings are claiming what’s rightfully yours and you just let them. Be bold and claim what was given to you. Maybe your ex-husband is not helping you with the expenses for your children. The Othala will give you a boldness that you never thought you had in you.

Click here to see all items with the Othala Rune!


Perhtro best translates into “good luck"

The Perhtro is good for you when you want favorable circumstances and outcomes.

This rune is perfect for you who is starting a business and needs a lot of positive reinforcement to keep going. Maybe you are sending your child away to college and wants him or her to have a good experience. The Perhtro will attract just that.

Click here to see all items with the Perhtro Rune!


Raidho best translates into "presence"

The Raidho is good for you when you want to be a person of action who lives in the present.

This rune stops you from living in the past and imagining the future without taking action presently. By doing that, you are robbing the present of its value. The Raidho rune helps you be more present in your daily life.

Click here to see all items with the Raidho Rune!


Sowilo best translates into “will"

The Sowilo is good for you when you want your actions to be guided and enlightened.

Choose this rune if you have been making a lot of bad decisions lately. Maybe you drink too much or smoke too much or take drugs and you life is down spiraling. The Sowilo will grant you the will to give up the habits and make more enlightened decisions about how you are living your life.

Click here to see all items with the Sowilo Rune!


Thurisaz best translates into "strength"

The Thurisaz is good for you when you wanna gain more physical, mental, and spiritual strength and you seek to unblock your body, mind, and spirit.

This is your rune if you are about to take on something that seems too big to handle. If you entered a competition and are hoping to win, or about to take a big exam and are hoping to pass, or are facing a lot of criticism about your beliefs, the Thurisaz rune will give you the strength to face up to the challenges.

Click here to see all items with the Thurisaz Rune!


Tiwaz best translates into “self-sacrifice"

The Tiwaz is good for you when you want to master sacrificing your interests for others.

This is the rune for you if you want to learn how to sacrifice your own interests for the sake of others. Maybe you were an only child and you never had to think outside of yourself. Life is best enjoyed when you keep giving to other people. The Tiwaz helps you get outside yourself and your needs and focus on what you can do for others.

Click here to see all items with theTiwaz Rune!

Uruz best translates into “stamina”

The Uruz is for you if you seek a new beginning in your thoughts, actions, and environment.

Take this rune if you are feeling that you are not as young as you once were, and you can see it in the way your body and mind works. The Uruz is a rune of vitality, strength, and health. Maybe you were diagnosed with arthritis or you notice your eyesight is now bad and your back is starting to ache. The Uruz will reshape your energy and release the inner King and Queen from within.

Click here to see all items with the Uruz Rune!


Wunjo best translates into "optimism"

The Wunjo is good for you when you want to have a more positive life.

It is the rune for you if you are someone whose life is so unfortunate due to negative thoughts, which attracts more and more negativity. In life, negativity attracts more negativity. The Wunjo will help you think positively to draw positive people and experiences in your life.

Click here to see all items with the Wunjo Rune!

7 Responses


May 14, 2022

I’ve been reading Runes since 1984. Some of these definitions are a little different, but l remind myself of a variety of times & places when/where Runes were used. It’s all good, & l can always learn more ways to communicate.


September 27, 2021

Fell in love with Runes as a young adult and have 4 sets

Karen Owings
Karen Owings

September 27, 2021

Definitely interested in learning more


September 27, 2021

Thank you for sharing, would love more…what are the correct pronunciations of these as well?

Isabel Dann
Isabel Dann

September 27, 2021

Very interesting! Thank you


January 03, 2020

yes I would love to expand my knowledge of runes

Gail McKenzie
Gail McKenzie

October 14, 2019

Interested in learning more

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