The Tree Of Life

The Tree Of Life


If you think about it, trees have always had their place in the folklore and mythology of each culture. The Tree of Life symbolism is one that is valued across all religions even though each has a slightly different take on just what the Tree of Life means.


Take for example the Celts. They believed that certain trees held special properties more than just a source of fuel for heat and cooking. Each tree has special and spiritual properties that you should consider according to what you are trying to build or make. 

There are also those they believe to be “sacred” such as the Ash, Yew, Oak, and the Willow. The Celts assigned a certain mystery to these trees as they are are characteristically unusual in size (very large) and beautiful (with a commanding presence). 

The lore which surrounds a particular old tree often reflects the power the Celts sensed from their presence.


The most integrated concept of the Tree of life is that of the Kabalistic tradition. This concept is the one most widely found in most Wiccan literature. As the concept goes, the tree of life encompassed 10 different pillars; the three main pillars are Severity, Mercy and Equilibrium. The power of Equilibrium is the center pillar which stands as a symbol to show how meaningful equality is and how treacherous it is to dip the equilibrium scale. The middle pillar consists of the 4 pillars of Kingdom, Foundation, Beauty and Crown. The left pillar is called “Severity” which represents the female's role in the creation of life. The right pillar is called “Mercy”, and represents the males work in the creation of life. The Severity and Mercy pillars are broken down into three pillars each.  Severity’s three pillars are understanding, severity and splendor. Mercy’s three pillars are Wisdom, Mercy and Victory.


In Wicca, trees are living things that are filled with the essence and energy of the Elements and the Divine. The Tree of Life is the embodiment of “As Above, So Below,” it signifies a bridge between the Earth and the Divine and that what is happening below, is reflected above; and what is happening above is reflected below. The Tree of Life also shows you how everything is connected; from the smallest organisms to our Earth being a part of the solar system, and the solar system being connected to the galaxies beyond. The Tree of Life is the gift of the gods to us, they have been a source of sustenance and shelter to our ancestors and they still do on this day. 

Welcoming the Tree of Life in Your Life

Many Wiccans who find themselves drawn to the Tree of Life symbolism either feel a strong connection to the Tree of Life due to the balance it brings them or are seeking to restore balance in their lives. 

If you are feeling out of sorts and unbalanced, look to the symbol of the Tree of Life to help you find balance and equilibrium. Go out and seek to spend time with trees. Always have the Tree of Life symbol around you: have the  symbol on your notebooks or wear a shirt or a necklace to serve as a constant reminder to not dip so far to the left or right that you life will be in an imbalanced state. Remember, the power of the trees is fully understood by those who live harmoniously and in total balance.

What is the significance of the Tree of Life to you? We would love to hear what you think! :)

38 Responses

Sandra Walker
Sandra Walker

July 11, 2023

I have several beautiful TOL pendents, all were very special gifts.

Gerriann Howard
Gerriann Howard

January 03, 2022

I haved lived in the South my whole life and as a Fanily we all lived and grew up around one another. Where we lived Yards and woods were full of Oaks, Willows and Walnut trees . We hade numerous fruit trees about any you could imagine.
As I grew up and got married I moved future South and my yard and property is full of Living Oak Trees and I have One my husband kept in the middle of My deck we built and one at the beginning. The shade they produce , a place for the animals to find refuge in just there Beautiful presence in my yard and the stories they whisper in the wind. I love them all so much and I Thank them with a Gentle hand touch and hug.
You can lookup Angel Tree in South Carolina it’s the oldest living Live Oak on the East Coast, it is magical to say the least. If you visit the Tree you can hear the Tree say “Welcome My Friend I Offer You My Branches As My Friendship “ It is amazing as all of you are!!!
I also offer you My friendship…..Blessed Be


August 08, 2021

Thank you for the article, I especially needed that today. I can resonate with all of the different belief systems BC of the way speaks to my soul. I have had a corkscrew willow tree at one of my homes, currently I have a beautiful humongous willow just outside of where I currently live. I have a couple of tree of life necklaces, as well as earrings. For me I think being drawn to the tree of life is the need to restore balance in my own life, I have had times where I am literally dizzy from some thoughts that oversell me, I know that for a new beginning, there needs to be an ending, everything in me understands that, I just wasnt ready to say goodbye so its been hard to apply that concemt, but I try daily bc i know that’s the necessary shift. Its not that I dont want the new bc I do, I absolutely do. I just feel like the closure wasnt given to me nor the ability to myself close a situation. Everyday though I am thankful for the universe patience with me, the love of all given to me, for Jehovah God revealing the reason behind the amount of time, my ability to see things as they are and the acceptance of everyone’s role, including mine. Thank you for welcoming me into your family.

Kara Holmes
Kara Holmes

March 15, 2021

Years ago, as a young girl, I would spend time in a nearby field surrounded by large beautiful trees. I would press out a spot in the tall wildflower field and spend hours listening to the songs the trees created as they would bend a sway in the breeze. Clouds rolled by in their many shapes and sizes. I’d slip deep into my imagination Oh the wonders I’d find. Nature spoke to me and I took the time to still my mind and listen, there is such peace. I love trees their songs nurtured my childhood spiritual journey.


March 15, 2021

I have very large oak tree in my back yard it edged the woods but my tree stands alone in its glory I don’t know how old it is but I have lived th tree from the day I moved in my house 40 some years now

Gena Bishop
Gena Bishop

December 30, 2020

I live in the country on top of a hill n I can see tops of mountains every direction. I also have a Paleolithic Indian burial ground directly out my kitchen window which My son has studied for a couple of years now. Everyone who co n es to my home loves the serenity, the quiet, and the isolation from thier daily livesI i had my favorite tree as a child that I sit in everyday an young sour apple tree!


November 27, 2020

I live on a golf course (LOL) but oddly enough, off one of the cart paths, is a grove. The energy there is wonderful. When we walk the dog that direction, we always stop, greet the trees, lay a hand on their trunks and thank them for their presence.

Deborah Wyss
Deborah Wyss

November 16, 2020

I have always loved trees! This is where I find my peace and feel grounded.


October 22, 2020

The article was very informative to me. I love all trees, willows and pine always feel like family. Every Fall I take a walk and say goodbye still Spring. I’m quite concerned about a tree in front of my house I love her and the Landlord wants to cut her down. I’m putting intent for it not to happen. I would appreciate any help. Thankyou Blessed Be🌟


September 01, 2020

I feel so peaceful in the woods and forest and it’s even better if there’s water nearby, that’s my happy place

Katherine cole
Katherine cole

August 31, 2020

I look forward to read the Wicca story and am waitng to see the surprise that you told me about


August 31, 2020

I’m a natural born Green Witch. I love being out in the woods. Mothers beauty It brings joy to my soul renews my energy n to find a creek or waterfall enlightens my spirit more..the mighty Grounding. Celebration. Caring.. Willow.. Love. balance. Warmth. Gentle.nurture.Water adds the nutrients n cleansing..Blessed be


August 31, 2020

I am a natural born green soul my heart my energy all become enlightened when i am out in the woods n it escalates when waterfalls or creeks are present..i find my strength, grounding, centewith father Odin in the

Teresa Lagesse
Teresa Lagesse

August 31, 2020

As above, so below


August 31, 2020

I have ALWAYS been drawn to the forest with the ecosystem of trees supporting each other as well as us. Balance is something that has been hard to come by in this life and I look to the sacred tree as a reminder to walk in the middle and not stray to far to either side. This is the most balanced and harmonious state and one we all search for.


August 30, 2020

I’m so fascinated with trees and how their limbs and roots twist and turn. It reminds me of my life. And if you cut it down, yes it cries(sap) but it excells and becomes so much more. Blessed Be

Sue harris
Sue harris

August 30, 2020

I have always believed that been in the bush make you feel free

Frank Sansing
Frank Sansing

August 30, 2020

To me the tree of life connect 9 relmes together and you are able to travel to them and the tree of life name is Yggdrasil


August 30, 2020

I have always loved trees and have felt drawn to them. They are sacred to me

Diana E Davis
Diana E Davis

August 30, 2020

I always preferred the Tree of Knowledge! I changed my mind my Senior Year in high school. We were doing a college visit when he pulled us into the Redwoods and he told me that this was a true cathedral and that these trees were precious.

Anna M
Anna M

August 30, 2020

Such beautiful symbolism in every way you look at it. Being one with nature is how we can truly maintain a connection between humanity and the natural world. Such a great reminder to take an adventure in the woods sometimes!

Tíerna O'Rourke
Tíerna O'Rourke

August 30, 2020

What a beautiful article,it was just the read I needed thank u so so much for sharing,blessed be 🌛🌚🌜💜

Jenny Lynn Rice
Jenny Lynn Rice

August 30, 2020

I love The Tree of Ĺife because for me, it is a reminder that life is infinite. It’s the mere shell that begins to die the moment we are born. Life source cannot die, and I am reminded of that every time I see one of these symbols.


August 30, 2020

I have been lost as far as who I am and where to go in my life.. I read this article and I feel that the path I am on now is exactly where I need to be. I have seen this symbol many times but it actually speaks to me now and I know I’m heading the right direction. Thank you and Blessed be!

Kathy Seaman
Kathy Seaman

August 27, 2020

I work at a marina where I see the beauty of nature. The deer raccoons etc.. I marvel at the trees. When I look upon them I appreciate that they are the life. I am a practicing druid. I learn a great deal from a cousin who is Wiccan.

Lorna Anton
Lorna Anton

August 27, 2020

After almost a year in bed, I was finally able to go out, and friends took me to get wild grape vines for wreaths. The first thing I did was embrace a tree and whisper, “I have missed you SO much!” My friends were astonished and told everyone that I had hugged a tree. I was mystified. Why wouldn’t I? I had been cut off from nature for a year! Now, after a decade in bed, my favorite trip is to nature…even my trees in the back yard, visib l e from my window, where I talk to them and kiss their leaves because they bind me to the planet. Trees ARE life!


August 27, 2020

Just got mine ! Great artical . Love all the spiritual meaning behind it all ! Thank you. Blessed be .


August 27, 2020

I have a beautiful pentacle set in the Tree of Life. I wear it often. The Tree of Life represents life everywhere within and without the Earthl.


August 05, 2020

thank you for explaining the tree of live, theres always been something that has drawn me to the tree of life thank you again and blessed be


July 19, 2020

I have always been drawn to the outdoors and to the Tree’s! I had huge Willow in my yard that I planted and babied for years. I put my heart and soul into the taking care of that tree! When the Market crashed in 2008 I lost my House, and when I left my Tree died. It was so attached to my energy that it couldn’t live without me! True Story!


July 17, 2020

I don’t know where I’m supposed to be in my life,but or seems whenever I’m down and need lifting i open my gmail and at the top are these email from you at MOONLIGHT. I’m not sure where to go but i know it’s a sign but I’m hanging a heard time finding ny light. I thank you for the pieces of light yiu give me

Latrisha Trahan
Latrisha Trahan

July 15, 2020

Thank you for the article, it was a much needed confirmation and I leaned something new


July 08, 2020

Loved the article!! I appreciate the explanation.

Kim sisk
Kim sisk

June 28, 2020

I just ordered my free guide , I love all the groups🌙🌙🌙

Debra Holloway
Debra Holloway

May 24, 2020

Great article! Very good at explaining the meaning of the Tree of Life! Blessed be💫

Debra Holloway
Debra Holloway

May 24, 2020

Great arrival! Very good at explaining the meaning of the Tree of Life! Blessed be💫


March 02, 2020

Great read! So true in many ways.
Blessed be🖤

James Scarfe
James Scarfe

October 19, 2019

Beautifull reading Blessed Be

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