Our Lovely Customers: July 2016 Edition

Our Lovely Customers: July 2016 Edition

Here are our awesome customers who shared with us their pictures wearing their favorite necklace from the Moonlight Shop!

Of course, we pick the winner. And for the last month’s winner, she is none other than Sandra Hyde!

I don’t know about you, but we found her radiant smile very hard to resist! The moment we saw her picture, we knew SHE JUST HAD TO BE THE WINNER! :)

Her Wheel of the Year necklace is not only her favorite but of many people who buy from our shop as well!

You can check out the Wheel of the Year necklace here: http://themoonlightshop.com/products/wheel-of-the-year-necklace

The Wheel of the Year necklace strengthens your connection with nature and makes you more aware of the meaning behind the passing of each season! As you can see on Sandra’s face, she is definitely not locking herself in, but celebrating this season well, enjoying the warmth of the summer sun!

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