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How to Choose Your Stone For The Necklace? 

How to Choose Your Stone For The Necklace? 

(by Daniela McVicker)

Deciding on which stone to put in your necklace can be a difficult choice, especially when there are about 200 different variations of natural gemstones. We know, it can be an overwhelming task.  

The thing to remember is, choosing the stone for your necklace should be a personal choice. You shouldn't follow trends or other people's opinions.  

This is much easier said, than done. How do you choose a stone when you don't have an instinctive reaction to one? How can you be sure you're making the right decision?  

We're here to help, read through these next steps and you should be pointed directly to the stone of your dreams.  

Your birthstone

We have to start with the obvious - your birthstone. For some (notably, the astrology lovers) this makes choosing a stone a no-brainer. Wearing your birthstone is said to bring luck, provide you with inner strength, and offer a certain degree of guidance in challenging situations.  

If you're not much of a believer, a birthstone could still sway your choice. Birthstones have historical relevance, and there's no denying that they've stood the test of time. Which, in turn, makes you a part of history too. Not to mention, they're great conversation starters.  

All that aside, seemingly the most appealing aspect of wearing a birthstone is the personal aspect to it. It's got a meaning to you, that helps you feel spiritually connected.  

Remember, it doesn't have to be your birthstone. You can wear a loved one's birthstone to honor that someone special, feel connected to them, or feel protected. Your jewelry is personal to you, and your reasons behind choosing a specific stone could be extremely special to you, or you could simply love how they look. It's your choice entirely.  

If you don't know your birthstone, here is a cheat sheet: 

  • January: Garnet  
  • February: Amethyst  
  • March: Aquamarine 
  • April: Aurora Borealis Crystal
  • May: Emerald  
  • June: Pearl or Alexandrite
  • July: Ruby
  • August: Peridot
  • September: Sapphire 
  • October: Opal
  • November: Topaz
  • December: Tanzanite

    The health benefits

    If you're interested in all things mystical, this theory will leave you completely captivated. Some believe that certain stones have health benefits.

    Some have thought that gemstones have specific healing properties through their energy. Others believe that there is a placebo type effect associated with certain stones.  

    You might be familiar with "chakras" - the practice of placing certain gems on certain parts of the body to promote healing. The same type of theory could be applied when wearing pieces of jewelry.  

    Here are the specific health benefits: 

    • Garnets: Used to revitalize the body, boosting your entire system
    •  Pearls: Traditional Asian medicinal systems would use pearls to treat digestive problems, fertility issues, and heart problems.
    • Amber: Believed to be a powerful stone to fight against headaches, and cleanse the body.
    • Citrine: Citrine helps those who are suffering from pain and inflammation.
    • Aquamarine: Has been used to help digestive, teeth, and eye problems.

    It's this fascinating aspect of stones that you could delve into when looking for your dream necklace. Believer or skeptic. 

    Mindfulness properties

    In the same way that they are said to help with physical problems, gemstones are also believed to have many mental benefits.  

    This is the exact reason why many choose to meditate with gemstones or wear certain ones for certain occasions.  

    They supposedly can boost your confidence, help with sleep, and heal heartbreaks.  

    Mindfulness is a significant trend at the moment, and gemstones are a big part of this. If you're looking for ways to dip into spirituality, a necklace could be the perfect way to start. Below is a tiny list of the deemed mindful properties of certain precious stones. 

    Rose Quartz: This beautiful little stone is believed to have soothing energy, helping to close emotional wounds like heartache. Rose Quartz also invites love into your life, including self-love.  

    Amethyst: This stone has tranquil qualities, helping anybody who may be differing from mood disorders and anxiety. It's also believed to increase creativity.  

    Moonstone: This one has many beliefs attached to it. Most likely owing to its mystical appearance. Travelers would use Moonstones as a protective stone, and it's even be used to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.   

    Aquamarine: This beautiful stone was commonly used by sailors to bring them luck while they were at sea - some still do. This stone is believed to be a dominant force, which helps with grieving and promoting happiness. Many shamans use this a meditative stone.

    The color

    A little bit more practical, and one which everybody can get on board with - the color. It can be the make or break to a stone.  
    Basically, what colors do you want to stay away from for your necklace? Which colors do you adore?  

    A vibrant ruby red might be the perfect choice for one person, but quite the opposite for another. Do you want to play it safe and opt for a Quartz color?  How about a darker color like a Black Opal? 
    This choice depends on your style and preference. 

    The function/occasion 

    The stone you choose to wear could heavily depend on the event in which you'll wear it.  

    Necklaces can become a daily staple or a once in a blue moon type of accessory. These factors could heavily influence the color, price, shape, and overall look of your necklace.  

    Most notably, if you're wearing this for your wedding day, you might want to opt for a sapphire stone to give you that "something blue." Comparatively, if you are planning on wearing this necklace every day, you might want to opt for a more neutral, refined stone. Like, say, a rose quartz or a pearl. 
    Establishing when, where and the outfit in which you'll match the necklace to will make the decision-making a little bit easier.

    The price / your budget 

    The majority of us have a budget, and if you're lucky enough not to have a budget, you still want to get the best possible for your money.  

    Certain stones cost more than others. Establishing your budget and canceling out any options about your budget could be a great place to begin your stone hunt. 
    On the more affordable side sits stones like Tiger's Eye, Quartz and Citrine.  On the opposite side of the spectrum sits Sapphires, Opal and Musgravite.  

    Importantly, a higher price tag doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the necklace of your dreams. You shouldn't be dismayed if you have a smaller budget.

    The cut can make a big difference

    The cut is the term given to describe the shape and size of your stone. Some go by the rule of "bigger is better," and others by the idea that "precious things come in small packages" or "quality over quantity." Again, this relies on your personal preference.  

    As for shape, this can transform a piece of jewelry for you. For instance, an Asscher cut has an entirely different impact on a baguette cut. It just depends on what shape catches your eye.  

    The cut ties us nicely in with price and function too. When the stone is more significant, this can often mean the price tag is a little steeper, and it will gain a lot more attention.  

    Take a look at different types of cuts, and ask yourself: "which one would I love to carry around with me?". Let your heart decide which one is the cut for you. Or should we say, which one will cut it for you?

    Consider the clarity of the stone

    Stones might have various imperfections on them, the number of these depends on the clarity rating. Make no mistake, many stones look great regardless of their flaws, sometimes they even add character.  

    However, if you want a stone which sparkles, white sapphires, white topaz, and a garnet could be your best choice.  

    On the other end of the spectrum, stones like Rose Quartz and moonstone don't have the same kind of quality. This doesn't necessarily make them any less appealing, though. It just gives them a different aesthetic.

    Never forget your personal style

    Personal style is what it all boils down to - which one do you love. Don't buy into birthstones, energy healing or spirituality if you're not enjoying the stone. You should base your decision on what you love, what matches your style, and how you see it incorporating into your lifestyle or day.  

    At the end of the day, you want to look down at your necklace, and absolutely adore what you see.  

    Perhaps you're much more of a Lapis Lazuli type of stone, rather than a ruby lover. That's completely fine. Never sweep your preferences and tastes under the rug.


    We hope these little hints help you to choose the stone for your necklace. With something so precious, being so close to your heart, we understand how important it is that you find the perfect one for you.  

    With these easy little steps, we can confidently say that you'll be loving your choice of stone, wearing your necklace with pride, and quite possibly reaping the health benefits too.

    Author’s bio

    Daniela McVicker is a well-known writer, a contributor to Topwritersreview and a chief editor at  EssayAssistant. Her primary fields of interest include business communication, leadership, and management. On her Twitter page, she often shares her insights about leadership presence and building the relationship between a leader and employees.

    Daniela McVicker
    Chief Editor, StudyСlerk

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