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The Cauldron

The Cauldron

Almost everyone has an image of a cauldron in his or her mind. You know it, it’s a large metal pot or a kettle with three legs and an arc-shaped hanger to lift it with. In the olden times, it was was a tool for cooking. But industrialization has made the use of the cauldron extinct. 

But not to Wiccans. The cauldron is a common fixture on the altar of Goddess worshippers. The cauldron represents the female force, with its womb-like shape. It is also a symbol of rebirth. In its place on the altar, the cauldron can hold many other things, like water. That's why it also functions as the symbol of the element of water in rituals.

The cauldron holds the indispensable things a witch needs in casting spells and rituals. Like herbs and incense. The cauldron is where a witch creates and mixes potions and herbal concoctions. 

The next time you perform a ritual that calls for burning something, cast a circle and place a cauldron right in the center. It will be ten times more powerful than without it. 

Celtic Connection

The cauldron is the symbol of the Goddess Cerridwen in Celtic mythology. Her prophetic powers made her the keeper of cauldron knowledge and an inspiration in the underworld.

The warriors would place the bodies of their fallen men inside a cauldron to bring them back to life. The warriors would come back to life and fight another battle. Until the time comes that they need to go back in the cauldron again.

Using The Cauldron

Cauldrons are made from cast iron or pottery clay. They can hold a many things like water, crystals, stones, candles, or incense sticks. But their use is not limited to just safekeeping and containing. To have a cauldron is to have a sort of activity center. So mix your herbs and incense in them, and burn them using charcoal tablets.

Safety Warning: If you burn something in your cauldron, it can get too hot, especially for the clay types. In extreme heat, the pottery cauldron could crack. If you have a cast iron cauldron, you can light the charcoal tablets inside. If you have a pottery cauldron, you are going to need ash or sand. Place the sand or ash at the bottom of the cauldron to serve as a protector.

 How do you use the cauldron in your life? Do you have special uses for it?

 I'd like to hear your stories! Please share them in the comments section below.

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