I just saw your name on the Early Bird Special sign-up, and I just wanna say...

CONGRATS, you're officially an Early Bird!

To recap, here are the special privileges that you'll get:

✅ Be the very first to know once your free necklace is ready for claiming

✅ Claim your free necklace the night before March 15th

✅ Enjoy HASSLE-FREE checkout. No lines, no waiting, no worries!

And now, get to know the Pentacle of Intentions and how it can help you.

Just like our awesome buyers, you too can experience the life-changing magick of the Pentacle of Intentions.

Your dreams may be big —

Relationship goals...

Career ambitions...

Weight loss or fitness targets...

Dreams for the future...

— but you can make every one of them come true!

The Pentacle of Intentions will help you do just that. How?

Well, the Pentacle of Intentions is all about taking you several steps closer to your dreams. The Pentacle of Intentions comes with your birth stones, which will help you connect with your innermost self. When you have access to your innermost self, you will be gifted with clarity. And this crystal clear perception will tell you which intentions are best for you.

Then, once you know your intentions, you can use the pentacle to cast your spells. Your Pentacle of Intentions already knows your dreams and desires, so it will be easier to flesh them out.

Finally, you can use your pentacle to carry bright, hopeful vibes all day. Since your pentacle is charged with amazing energy from you and the Universe, you're able to draw out the strength to chase your dreams!

And you know what makes this super awesome - more awesome than it already is?

You'll get exclusive access the night before the necklace is available to anyone else.

So, while everybody will be scrambling on March 15th, you'll be claiming your free necklace the night before... without having to worry about whether or not you're going to get one.

Excited about your necklace? Here's the good news... you won't have to wait before you can get your hands on a pentacle! You can check out our whole pentacle collection now: