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The Wiccan Sabbats Necklace

  • Unique, one-of-a-kind gift
  • NOT SOLD in stores
  • USA: 2-8 Business Days

$67.95 $48.95

Hurry! We Sell Out Frequently
  • Unique, one-of-a-kind gift
  • NOT SOLD in stores
  • USA: 2-8 Business Days
  • The Wiccan Sabbats Necklace features the meaningful dates of the major lunar and solar events of the year and remind you to take time to celebrate each one of them. 

    This is the Wiccan Sabbats Necklace that showcases all the Sabbats-- the resting season, planting season, nurturing season, harvesting season, and storing season, as our ancestors did. 

    Wear this to remind yourself of WHEN the Sabbats occur and reflect on WHY they occur. 

    It's also an excellent addition to your altar and personal magick tools.

  • We've adjusted our estimates below based on the latest information from our carriers.

    Once shipped, delivery within:

    USA: 2-8 Business Days

    Canada: 5-10 Business Days

    Europe: 2-8 Business Days

    International: 5-20 Business Days

    All orders ship with Love from the USA