Your Spirit Guardian Is A Faerie!

Faeries are balls of pure energy and are usually found in nature. Yet, when you gain their trust, Faeries can be really helpful guides! 

Just having a Faerie near you will lift your spirit and give you more energy. It will make you happier and give you a sense of calm. It can also help you with your spells and your rituals.

You may not be able to see it, but you will feel its presence. When a Faerie is near, you will feel a ball of energy enter your body... this sudden surge of power is the Faerie's way of telling you that they like you!

Now that you know your guardian spirit, it's time to level up your magick...

...Get 25% off on these items that are PERFECT for the person with the Faerie Guardian Spirit!


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Faery Star Candle Holder