3 Spells You Can Do In Your Pool


Water is already a magical substance on its own. Think about the many changes water can go through. It's a clear liquid, but it also appears white and filmy as fog, steam and clouds. It can fall from the sky as liquid drops of rain, white snow crystals or pieces of ice. Having a body of water near your home or in your own backyard promises to surround you with magic.

Return to the Womb Spell

If you are lucky enough to have an inground pool, try the Return to the Womb Spell in it. If you don't yet have your own pool, you're even luckier. That means you can choose the shape and design of it, which makes it even more magically yours. Check out an inground pool cost and chances are, you will be able to build the pool of your dreams.

Go to the middle of the pool and float. If you need to use a flotation device, you can. Time of day doesn't matter as long as you won't be disturbed.

While you're floating, try to return to that state of deep peacefulness you felt before your birth. Say to yourself, or out loud, "I return to the serenity of the womb. I take the serenity of the womb with me when I leave this water." Stay floating as long as you like-there is no time limit.

This is the perfect way to end a hectic week or to start the next one. Bring a small, stoppered container with you and fill it with water as you leave the pool. Say "I take the calm of the womb with me. When I look at this water, I will return to that state of calm." You can take it anywhere with you and obtain peace from it during stressful moments.

Manifestation Spell

Certain natural ingredients added to water are used for specific results. Scattering rose petals in water is a call for love to come your way.

Learn the chakra points and what each color will manifest. Then obtain the stones that represent each chakra and use them to strengthen whatever you feel needs it. Work on one at a time.

A clear crystal is used for protection and to absorb negative energy. Make sure whatever you add to your pool is non-toxic and able to withstand submersion. Most crystals will not be harmed by the water and they will extend their energy to every drop of water in the pool.

Learn to be specific about what you want. After you've added your chosen objects to the water say, "I request that the energies of the stones and water bring me [whatever you want]."

Banishing Negativity Spell

You'll need a wand for this one and you can make your own! Choose a small branch from your favorite tree or bush and carefully cut if off. Make sure it doesn't touch the ground, since that would dissipate some of its power. Before you start using it say, "You are my wand. I ask you to help me with my spells and I promise to honor you."

The wand will now work on your behalf. One water spell that uses a wand is to collect water from your pool into a container. Then say, "I send all of my negative emotions from my hand, through my wand, and into this water." You can let the end of the wand rest in the container, but you don't have to; just directing it at the water will do the job.

Be careful not to put this water back in the pool, or your released negativity will be able to come right back into you. Scatter it onto the ground or at the base of a tree. Both the ground and the tree will take on your negativity and convert it to positive vibes.

These three are traditional water spells, but you can also think of your own. As long as you never do a spell with negative intentions, the blessings of the water will be yours.

4 Responses


February 02, 2021

Nature has been my church for quite a few years now but I’m new to stretching my arms and embracing Wicca further in casting spells, manifesting and all the fascinating Crystal’s and runes. I was born w a caul and have been gifted since birth I guess but I havent had any guidance. I’m hoping to meet someone who can help me.

Gerald Wilson
Gerald Wilson

January 12, 2021

Very new and just trying to find my own way

Deb Rosendahl
Deb Rosendahl

January 12, 2021

I am interested in empaths and wiccan


November 27, 2020

I’m new at this but am very interested

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